Pediatric Acutherapy without Needles

new acupuncture services - Aculaser and Acupressure

Beyond Chiropractic & Acupuncture is excited to announce the advent of several new techniques and services available to our patients! Dr. Katie has recently finished up an Advanced Acupuncture certification that now allows us to offer Pediatric Acutherapies.

As you can imagine, kiddos and needles don’t always go well together. We have some school age children that find the needles fascinating, but many kids are scared of needles from their past experiences with shots and medical doctor visits. We can offer the same excellent and natural healing options of acupuncture while steering clear of needles and the fears that may come with it!

Dr. Katie uses a professional brand of lasers that are called QiPulse and QiCalm. These lasers are at very specific wave lengths, one in the red spectrum and one in the blue, to stimulate or calm individual acupuncture points. These lights penetrate deep into the tissue to balance the energies in our bodies with no sensation of heat, cold, or pain. Aculasers are not used for any acupuncture points around the eyes, and both patient and practitioner wear protective glasses for the safety of our vision.

Another tool we use is called a ”teishin” and it is used for acupressure. This is a small pen-like object that allows acupuncture points to be stimulated without puncturing the skin. The “teishin” is a device that was created by the Japanese to allow for precise pressure for creating balance and healing. This form of “needleless acupuncture” has even more ancient roots than the use of needles in acupuncture!

Pediatric acutherapy is a great way to provide energetic healing and balance to our little ones, without the needles!

While we are excited to use these less invasive techniques on pediatric patients, these options are also available for adult patients who do not like needles. Acupuncture needles are very different from any other needle that is used in Western Medicine, but still some prefer to stay away! If that is you, you are absolutely welcome to try out aculasers and acupressure to receive the healing benefits of acupuncture with out the "-puncture.”

If you or someone you know might be interested in these new services, please give us a call or send us a text!


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